in pursuit of peace
In time, we all discover that it’s the way we move that matters — not the shapes themselves, and that when we relax and move from our center, so much more is possible. this, for me, at its essence is ahimsa - when i am in the practice of trusting in the goodness of what is, i move more freely and in tune with the world around me.
My experience has been that what began as a means to distract myself from suffering eventually became a lifeline and a safe path for me to soften into and deeply feel ALL the things. Flowing with my breath, sitting still with my thoughts, sometimes just plain sobbing through pigeon pose — my practice is a remembering and a homecoming.
try out this meditation:
begin by finding yourself in an upright seat, settle, soften
feel a sense that as you breathe in air you are also breathing in life… of light
if you make it your intention when you exhale that life/light finds a home in the center of you.
continue breathing here with ease, and sense that that that light of the heart, the light that at its essence is bravery, love, compassion, acceptance, the light that binds and bonds us all in the pursuit of peace and equanimity, is grounding you in faith.
may you be vulnerable, accepting, patient, kind… both with yourself and with the world